Monday, March 22, 2010

Still waiting

It's been forever since I updated, and unfortunately it's not because I've been working hard. I did finish chapters 3-5 and sent them to my adviser, so now I'm just playing the waiting game again. I'd like to go ahead and write my sixth and final chapter, but I'd really like to get her feedback on the thoughts I present in 4-5 before I expand on them. In the meantime I should finish revising the first chapter, but have to figure out what my conclusion will be before I can really write a good intro for it.

In other words, I'm blaming my lack of writing on my adviser, and content myself with calling her every other day.

On the bright side, my amazing husband has started reading through what I have and making lots of helpful comments. He's always been able to motivate me more than any professor!

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